Work in progress~!

Moop is fairly new, but everytime there is a new workshop or resource made available it will be published here.
We'll also link to open-source game engines and other resources found along the way.
If you have any open-source resources you think would be useful for people to do or learn games development, you can email us at, or DM us on Instagram, and we will add it to the website on the next update!

Moop Resources

  • Twine Workshop (public repository): Made for a charity workshop, teaching people with zero coding or games developer experience the Twine game engine. The theme was to make their own Text Adventures.

Moop Recommendations:

Unaffiliated with Moop, but Moop wishes to share open-source resources. Here's a list of some open-source Game Engines!

  • Godot Game Engine: An open-source 2D and 3D, cross-platform and XR game engine.
  • COCOS2D-X: An open-source game framework in C++, used to build games, apps, and cross-platform GUI based interactive programs.
  • Armory3D: Armory3D is an open-source 3D game engine focused on portability, minimal footprint and performance. The renderer is fully scriptable and it has a Blender add-on for integration, turning it into a complete game development tool.
  • Twine: Twine is an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories.
  • Ren'py: Ren'Py is a visual novel engine that uses words, images, and sounds to tell interactive stories that run on computers and mobile devices.